Originally Posted By: Ken61
Comrade King,

Not only are you a statist religious sociopath, but you must be a drug addict as well. You should check your prescriptions, and ask your government doc to ease up on the hallucinogenics. The American economy has not improved. Since its been covered so many times I won't go into it, but you really are a duped buffoon.

King has been shown-with facts like BLS links to the statistics that the economy is in very bad shape-labor force participation rates lowest since 1970's,doubling of food stamps (SNAP) and disability payments,wage growth stagnate or dropping for most of the middle class and on and on. He of course,continues to IGNORE them and post his FACT-LESS rhetoric and say its fact.
"Burger King" home of the whopper,if the name fits.............

King is going to need those hallucinogenics come Nov Ken,the rats are jumping off the sinking ship of lame duck obama and the times is running out for "after the election" games on Fast and Furious,IRS,Benghazi "stand down" orders and many of the other " the most corrupt administrations" scandals !

Hillary For Prison 2018