He followed through on pulling back from military adventures. Polls show two of three Americans want them out of those quagmires that chew up lives and money. Only Iraq's Maliki and conservative right wanted boots on the ground, and now Maliki is gone.

Doug, I and my kids are too old to serve---three of my six are retired---and don't have skin in the game. I believe not doing anything is wise if other options can't improve things, and that stars seem to be aligning to do something to IS, a slam-dunk with US aerial mastery.

I believe liberal and conservatives would prefer ridding themselves of the current extremists---a new element of the Taliban is now taking up with IS---to our less than satisfactory occupier roles in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam.

You seem to have forgotten Bush's men pushed for Iraq against Pentagon advice, and the Pentagon advised Obama that Iraq and Afghanistan had become black holes not worth the price. Bush didn't listen.