It's not racism but commending good when we see it to mention positively legislative changes for greater equality and choice of Obama as expressions of the will of the American people.

I also recognize that the American desire and need to get the past its history may have contributed as much as "hope and change" to electing him. "There, we've done it, it's over, let's hear no more of it."

Misfires often reflects the get-past-the-guilt and victimhood of the racial divide. Laws modify behaviour but strong emotions and interaction between blacks and police still capture international attention.

Policy achievements have been significant. Cutting military adventures from the US playbook validating the US public wish to get out of there and bring our soldiers home is only part of it. He ran on and introduced universal healthcare.

More importantly kept US powder dry by cautiously not making things worse overseas: forced Iraq to face its sectarian divide, secured the Kurds, now talking to Iran after bringing it out of the cold, and ended US regional image as Public Enemy No. 1.

For the first time, the US is confronted by the best possible enemy: the unwanted-by-anyone barbaric Islamic State, opposed and resented by subjected populations who won't turn back the clock a thousand years.

Obama now is saying to allies: Listen this mess is not of my making. Get your act together and we can take the barbarians out, providing world leadership but no longer dummy paying whole price in lives and treasure.

Makes sense to me.