Cop apologist logic: To doubt the police are totally trustworthy, or note they are a fraternal organization who protect their own, is to jump to conclusions. Jumping to conclusions that favor the police proves you are a good American.

CNN is now reporting the cops eye socket wasnt damaged. I dont believe anything other than a cop shot a very fat thug.

I didnt comment on race. I didnt make any apologies for black criminality, race baiting, or looting. I dont really care about the shooting event. Its the authoritarian police response I dont like. Free people are not policed by paramilitary cops. Im not supporting cops if they are going to become this.

Obviously Im a libtard Obama lover suffering from white guilt. A good beating and ass rapping in a Detroit ghetto ought to help me see the light.

A few of you revel in calling out liberal BS. Fine. The problem is thats all you interested in seeing. Theres always a libtard in your soup.