and what about someone going for their gun ???

ANY cop, ANYWERE is not going to let you go for his gun,beat him up and then charge him again and not shoot,any cop that wants to live that is

Originally Posted By: King Brown
As a liberal with more than a little experience of public confrontations with police, I'll wait for the official report and consider it with some degree of cynicism depending on the source, as always.

As for what I would do if I were the police officer, I'd act on a determination of my life being in danger or a likely outcome of another fatality adding to another international incident. I'd have got out of there.

In retrospect, my guess is the officer wishes he had, too. Brown was walking away, according to the source. The officer drew his gun and ordered him to freeze. He'll live with the consequences the rest of his life.

what source King ????

The one that said he was shot in the back with his hands up ( and later changed his story-AFTER the autopsy !)

The one who now admits Brown went for Wilsons gun!!
( you try and be honest for just once and think about what your going do if some guy GOES FOR YOUR GUN ! (he isn't going to clean it for you-your going to DIE if he wins that fight)

Brown,turned around and bull rushed him ( just like he did in the store tape) and this is backed up by many witness's accounts,anyone who says they would have not tried to drop Brown in that situation is nuts. Life or death battle one wins one loses,if your Wilson thats your choice you or him.

“They ignored him and the officer started to get out of the car to tell them to move," the source said. "They shoved him right back in, that’s when Michael Brown leans in and starts beating Officer Wilson in the head and the face."

The source claims that there is "solid proof" that there was a struggle between Brown and Wilson for the policeman’s firearm, resulting in the gun going off – although it still remains unclear at this stage who pulled the trigger. Brown started to walk away according to the account, prompting Wilson to draw his gun and order him to freeze. Brown, the source said, raised his hands in the air, and turned around saying, "What, you're going to shoot me?"

At that point, the source told, the 6-foot-4, 292-pound Brown charged Wilson, prompting the officer to fire at least six shots at him, including the fatal bullet that penetrated the top of Brown's skull, according to an independent autopsy conducted at the request of Brown's family.

Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket in the fracas, and was left dazed by the initial confrontation, the source said. He is now "traumatized, scared for his life and his family, injured and terrified" that a grand jury, which began hearing evidence on Wednesday, will "make some kind of example out of him," the source said.

Hillary For Prison 2018