Hunter Arms N.Y. Showroom Feb. 13, 1897
The "Hunter Arms Company," Fulton, N. Y., have removed all their stock and fixtures from their temporary quarters at 300 Broadway, N. Y., to No.310, where they occupy one-half of that large, light store with Thomas Conroy. The premises include basement and sub-cellar. They will have plenty of room here to display the Hunter wheels, as well as Smith guns. This wheel is fast, coming to the front, in fact all it needs is advertising. This is the first time the Hunter Arms Company have ever had a good show room in New York. Oct 16, 1897
Thos. Hunter, of the Hunter Arms Co., Fulton, N. Y.. makers of the L. C. Smith gun, spent a few days in the East recently taking orders for L. C. Smith guns and Hunter wheels. "Ride a Hunter, shoot a Smith," was the advice which he was giving out free of cost, and he found plenty of people taking advantage of such good advice.