Dave, Dave,Dave, King Brown is just as deranged in his ideas about our Second Amendment now as he has always been. Of course there was no NRA at the time of the origin Bill Of Rights. What started as an organization to promote shooting and marksmanship morphed into preserving our rights as Liberals like King began to pick away at it and attempt to rewrite or eliminate it... just as they have perverted other rights away from Original Intent. Liberal politicians have attempted to redefine the 2nd, and Liberal judges have upheld their insane interpretations where they ignored Original Intent.

Despite Kings claims to the contrary, the Framers did indeed express that intent in writing in a multitude of places. They were unanimous in their feelings about an armed populace as a means to thwart unconstitutional power grabs by a large central government. The right to arms for self defense predated all that and was ordained by the God that athiest King is loathe to acknowledge.

It's not that King cannot understand that the Supreme Court finally defined what the 2nd is and has always been... it's just that Liberals think they can lie and wish it away by continuing to be in dishonest denial.

Oh yeah, I do not recall the Bible saying Jesus ever walked with dinosaurs, and the Old Testament does not mention them. Fundamentalists only take the literal version that the earth is 6000 or so years old. Maybe some say Adam and Eve had a dinosaur pet, but I think that was Fred Flintstone. More denigration of some religious folks who aren't hurting King Brown a bit. And more attempts to justify subverting our Second Amendment by a Canadian who should worry even half as much about the rights of gun owners in his own country.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.