Dave, Dave, Dave: you're like those fundamentalists who claim Jesus walked with the dinosaurs. There was no NRA at time of the Founding Fathers. The change was recent to what the Second is today. You acknowledge as "infringements" all those jurisdictions making the Second what they want it to be. But still the law.

I believe Brian posted earlier it would be better to have one federal law respecting firearms (as it is in Canada) instead of a hodgepodge of communities putting gun control to a vote. I'm not celebrating what those communities do other than commenting on their democratic example.

The Second is what majorities say it is. Majorities comprise liberals and conservatives. With the consumer approach to politics today, majorities provided at elections with "deals" of a lifetime---their wants rather than needs---change quickly, particularly with a trusted salesman.

Whether Americans carry because they can or have to is not the issue. They democratically make decisions on how they want to live. Their homicide record is not edifying among modern societies. It is a violent country.