Originally Posted By: King Brown
....What's more double-tongue than self-contradictory members who huff and puff about liberty....

....Canada, where conservatives and liberals work and play together without the kind of poisonous internecine warfare preventing the US from being all it can be---your accurate comments in this respect also noted.

Even with its share of true believers, Canada overall doesn't allow politics to diminish personal relationships. They know what goes around comes around, and they can wait for elections to decide. It's not a blood sport....

....Big Money influences Americans to vote against their best interests....The US must restrain public spending because it has no other option, as Obama is trying to do. He has told the world that the US will no longer be the world's policemen....

....The "slow, gradual but slippery slope" of the last 50 years is a given in the struggle between democracies and authoritarians. Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thatcher promised to change rampant "socialism" and failed to dismantle the welfare state....

Canadian libs and conservatives live and play together without drawing blood. Why demonize Americans, aren't you referring to politics, just a 'punks game'. If one were to look at an image of Canadian prime ministers, wouldn't one conclude there's a bit of intolerance for diversity.

Follow the money and find the true power brokers. Rant on about corporate welfare to the rich, and again demonize American priorities. Why are Canadian corporate taxes just half of what they are in the US. Wouldn't a civil and compassionate country such as yours find the will to tax with more fairness.

Are you sure bo 'must' restrain spending. Apparently, he's not policing the world, so where's the restraint. I say apparently because if you look at his chief law enforcement officer and what 'policing' means in policy and practice, he most certainly is 'policing' the world. His ideology says he has no other option than to enable enemies of the the US, and Canada, at enormous cost.

Why a 'slippery slope' now. Aren't we suppose to marvel that we are seeing a black pres that a mere fifty years ago were impossible due to conditions on the ground in Alabama. Maybe your 'slippery slope' is the institution of US journalism, the source of that repetitive campaign to demonize America, or attack half of America.