Mr. Chambers,

First let me start off by saying im a 19 year old college student with a deep love of doubles. Im glad you worked hard to get your information, seriously. However you have belittled many on this board, often when there is no apparent reason. You may have good reason to not like some individuals, but try to keep the personal attacks off the board.
You can talk about other people all you want, but when you start going after Mr.Mann, that bothers me. When few others would give me the time of day, Mr. Mann exchanged countless emails with me. I have met him and talked to him over the phone. He is one of the nicest and most generous gentleman on this board. Many of his guns are far and wide across this country, being looked at and examined by people trying to do research. For example 4 of his Golcher guns are out on the west coast, and have been out there for a few years now, being examined by individuals that have an interest in them. You don't know Mr. Mann, so I suggest you not speak ill of him. He is probably the most respected member of this board, evident by the fact that his tag line was put there by the MODERATORS- Mr.Mann was embarrased and wanted to take it off, its not how he views himself. He certainly doesn't know everything there is to know about doubles, and he would freedly admit that, but he knows more than 99.9% of people do.

He, along with Mr. Georgi, (who you belittled earlier) are two noted experts on Lindner guns.

What I am getting at, Mr. Chambers, is that when you belittle Mr. Mann, its akin to speaking ill of my Grandfathers, and that just doesn't happen. I hope apologies are forthcoming.