I skimmed over your post ed, and all I saw was more anti-Second Amendment sentiment, and a sure path to gradual but complete loss of our gun rights.

Here's an exchange of ideas... We have this Constitutional Right. Don't touch it! Don't burden law abiding citizens with more useless laws that don't fix the problems you Libtards created. We have given up machine guns and sawed off shotguns. We have given up mail order sales of guns. We have endured waiting periods, backround checks, and outright bans on semi-autos that look evil to you. We have paid fees, filled out forms, and applied for licenses. Now it's your turn. Lock up the felons and throw away the key. Kill the felons on Death Row. Do stop and frisk searches on every gang member in the U.S. Infringe on their rights, not ours. No more paroles. No more plea bargains. No more Fast and Furious charades to create false situations. No more gun free zones that only protect mentally ill shooters. We have already given up too much considering that we are not the problem. Now it's your turn to give.

There is no middle ground unless we wish to lose more and more. What has been lost was lost because of attitudes like yours. It has been lost to people like Leftist Liberals King Brown. Repeating the same mistakes and making concessions and constantly losing ground is what you want us to do.

What is half of a half of a half of a half....?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.