"It's our rights that are at stake. We can beat them down, or we can let them flourish and grow. There is no middle ground that I can see."

please splain how exchange of ideas puts your rights at stake? is it that you cannot defend your views, so all you can do is attack others whose ideas you may not want to hear? if you cannot handle challenges here, I shutter to think what you would do if you came up against a real gun control advocate, such as Michael Bloomberg, the recent mayor of nyc.

your hostilitry and irrational performance only encourages growth of those who really do oppose our right to keep and bear arms. do you not think that real gun control advocates are reading this material?

if there is no middle ground, then there is no hope for us all. weather you like it or not, there are many who oppose us. if we fail to respect their views. we will suffer the consequences...

you are so busy defending your rights, that you fail to realize that others also have rights that may be different from yours. finding common ground with others is the only sane alternative to most any controversy.

Last edited by ed good; 07/10/14 12:21 PM.

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