Originally Posted By: keith
I enjoy a bit of wacky humor too Fox. I think most of us do.

But I never thought I'd see you stand in support of anyone who said crap like this...

Originally Posted By: ed good
notice how some here continue to jump to negative conclusions and present information here about others that is simply not true. for example:

suggesting that we discuss restriction of certain classes of firearms is not the same thing as calling for it.

I am concerned about the over supply of semiautomatic firearms in the hands of the general public.

I support the second amendment in principle. I also support the right of all levels of government to restrict and regulate firearms arms as the need dictates. and I rely upon the judicial system to determine if there are any violation of our rights under the second amendment...to bad some others do not feel likewise, as then we could talk about something else....

That's your Constitutional Rights to Keep and Bear Arms that ed's talking about permitting the government to restrict and regulate as they see fit Fox. Maybe you didn't see this. Not all "beat-downs" are a bad thing.
Fair point indeed, my friend- I believe just as firmly in the First Amendment as I do the Second, but you are right- freedom of speech doesn't mean you can yell "Fire" in a crowded theater and cause a panic/stampede. The thing Ed doesn't grasp, is nobody here in their right mind believes him, or will buy a gun from him, so he is like the phraseology- "Full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing"__

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..