keith: you an sxs are what gun control advocates call "gun nuts" and "nra fanatics"...otherwise known as self focused, irrational individuals who refuse to even discuss the issue of firearms possession in this country and the possible restriction of some types of firearms, in order to promote the general welfare of all...

you appear to ignore the views of millions and millions of our fellow citizens and their worries about the enormous number of semi automatic high capacity firearms, now in the hands of the general public...and your rigid, facist like dogma regarding the second amemdment does far more harm to the cause of maintaining our gun possession rights than you may know...or is it that you do know and therefore, continue to fan the fires of distrust and discord...aka isis...insidiously slick internet subversives. the two of you seemed to be determined to drive wedges between the American people? what is this? some kind of terrorist divide and conquer scheme, where no one listens to anyone anymore and no one respects the opinion of others unless they are in complete accord with your own?

please, give us all a break from your anti gunner aint interesting anymore...just redundantly boring.

keep it simple and keep it safe...