Originally Posted By: Brian
there is no use trying to get a factual answer form you on this.

But let me try one last time:
supposed I said that the NY Yankees are considered the best baseball team in the history of the game.
Many people, especially Boston fans would ask "according to whom?"
I could answer it in several ways
1. I say so
2. that's what I hear people saying (what people)
3. the NY POst says so. (one newspaper???, hardly a definitive validation of the statement.
4. The NY Times, Sports illustrated, the sports writers union (make believe) the Governor of NY, the 3 major networks and the SIEU all came out and publicly declared this.

nothing you have said comes even remotely close to substantiating your statement that "Obama is considered the most cerebral President. However if this is YOUR OPINION, just say so. otherwise site more than one reference from an non US newspaper.
Otherwise it is considered the opinion of a bystander with no skin in the game which means it doesn't count for squat in the real world.
bottom line, if you think that, fine, just say so or pony up the sources of this endorsement of Obamas intellectual superiority.

one other angle:
King,: Brussel sprouts are the most reviled vegetable on the planet
Me: according to who?
King: The Zimbabwe free press says so.
Me: That's not what I asked.
King: well, back in the day, when we came back from a day on the boats, we ate salmon and drank beer.
Me: I asked who said Brussel Sprouts were the most reviled veggie on the planet.
King: Is it potato or potatoe?
Not what I asked.

see what I mean. I simple answer that supports YOUR initial statement about Obama. You said it , not me.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..