Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: King Brown

Everyone here, as you say, is for gun rights. We wouldn't be here otherwise. A call for greater vigilance and active participation to slow tightening of restrictions is common sense. A few members have chosen, however, to negate the citizenship and character of those who don't share their opinions.

Keeping our guns and fraternity together is more important than partisan politics.

King, your last sentence above is 100% wrong!. With friends like you and ed, who needs enemies?

Just about everything else you've said this morning is lies. You twist the living hell out of what Jim said about our four extreme Liberal Supreme Court Justices. They are not mainstream and they do not operate as their job description requires. They continually see things in the Constitution which are not there, and attempt to subvert the clear intent of the Framers on subjects such as guns, religion, and abortion.

To call Obama Cerebral and eloquent is stupidity. To attempt to convince us that the majority of Americans agree with that is dishonest. Brian laid it out for you. Obama is a stumblebum without a teleprompter, he knows nothing until he sees it on the news, he is reactive rather than proactive... and his reactions are generally wrong. His dismal approval ratings are only as high as they are because of Libtard idiots like you who would rather see the country go down in flames than admit that their first black (mulatto) president was a dismal failure.

Again King, we're not the same here in Misfires. You and ed are among a small handful of "Misfits" who think it's OK to come on to a firearms forum and suggest infringements on our gun rights. You King, are the liar who LULLS gun owners into thinking there is no legitimate threat to our gun rights. You frequently bash the methods of the NRA, and suggest they follow your own failed solutions. You can't defend your character because you have lied about your position on our 2nd Amendment rights and a thousand other things. You are not like us at all King. You are really kind of creepy, and dishonest right down to your marrow.

Of course you would think it mean and mischievious to have that all pointed out. Too bad. Maybe you and ed should go somewhere nicer where you could both lie and spew Libtard bullshit and stroke each other.

Quoting keith again here so King doesn't have an excuse for not reading it.

Practice safe eating. Always use a condiment.