Well, it appears that King is either too cheap to make a pledge, or he's coming to the rescue of one of his very few cheerleaders and fellow anti-gunners who pose as gun guys.

And we are once again treated to King using deceit and dishonesty to make a point which steers a thread away from its' subject matter.

King, did you really mean to say that some "misfits" were "last week proselytizing Putin for his politics of exclusion"? Or were you just trying to impress everyone with incorrect usage of big words? Did you perhaps mean to say that some here were praising Putin? I don't think anyone currently here praises Communists except you. But we do have enough sense to recognize that even a thug like Putin is intelligent enough to see threats to his country and its' culture. More than can be said for the current occupant of the White House. But you do twist the truth whenever it's convenient and it helps you make your dishonest points.

Don't put us all in your dishonest "misfits" basket King. We, most of us, are not like you. We don't need to tell lies and bend the truth to make a point. We don't advocate killing innocent unborn babies and defend the lives of convicted killers. We don't pretend to be gun guys while criticizing the meaning and intent of the Second Amendment. We don't respect skimming from the labors of hard working folks and redistributing their hard earned money to slackers. We don't exaggerate our resumes and life experiences in order to lend credence to our dishonesty... and cloak it all under a veil of faux civility.

You're the misfit King. It explains your affinity for ed. But even he was smart enough to see through your deceptive comparison of the election of a U.S. Catholic and allowing one's nation to be overrun with Islamists hell bent on infiltrating and imposing Sharia law.

Dishonesty is not civility King. I don't think I'll be making any pledges to get rid of you. I have too much fun exposing your lies.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.