Keith is spot on with his assessment of my comments about "hidden agenda". Well since I'm Not the type to hide things I'll make "hidden agenda" perfectly clear.
The are individuals who come on this forum maintaining they're double gun enthusiasts. However I believe They're real goal is to stifle any threads that identify and criticise our common enemy who are ultra Liberal Democrats on the extreme left fringe we refer to as Libtards. Keith is also right that these same Libtard politicians seem to favor amnesty, unbridled spending, make excuses for scandals like Becghazi, Fast & furious, The IRS, the VA,the criminal actions of the Justice Department and the obvious ineptness of the occupant of the White House.
Their usual argument is "This is a gun board and political discussion belongs elsewhere yadda yadda yadda". If that approach is unsuccessful as it has generally been here they try to disrupt the board and create contention in any way such as raising non-issues such as the board is racist or misogynist. In other words if the can't get their way with their ultra liberal agenda they would rather try to destroy the board rather then let it continue.
That's what I believe has been attemped here as of late. Fortunately there's enough of us watching what's going on and a site owner who I believe to be on to this ruse. If that's what any of you reading this have been attempting to do I'd suggest you give it up because it ain't gonna fly here.

Last edited by italiansxs; 06/17/14 10:12 AM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.