From: What Our Forefathers Thought:

"Democracies always self-destruct when the non-productive majority realizes that it can vote itself handouts from the productive minority by electing the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury. To maintain their power, these candidates must adopt an ever-increasing tax and spend policy to satisfy the ever-increasing desires of the majority. As taxes increase, incentive to produce decreases, causing many of the once productive to drop out and join the non-productive. When there are no longer enough producers to fund the legitimate functions of government and the socialist programs, the democracy will collapse, always to be followed by a Dictatorship."

IMO: This quote ought to be stamped into the top of every desk of every Senator and Representative in Washington. It also ought to be painted in BIG letters on one wall of the Oval Office. It also should be recited by all schoolchildren every day right after the pledge of allegiance!


Last edited by italiansxs; 06/15/14 08:36 AM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.