has anyone bothered to read the Terms and Conditions for her auctions? Item 9 details a limited 20-day guarantee of the accuracy as to the item description

forget the photos, I don't doubt that you genuinely believe the gun was inaccurately described and I am reasonably confident that I would generally agree with you. As i have posted earlier, that of itself does not constitute a sham, that they were unscrupulous, or that the accuracy of all their descriptions are faulty. All of which you stated or implied in your post. There could be many reasons for inaccuracy and obviously they recognize that and therefore provided a method for the buyer to seek to have it made right. By buying from her you agree to her Terms and Conditions. You chose not to avail yourself or were not aware of item 9. instead you decided to warn the world of this 'unscrupulous' business without giving them the opportunity to display otherwise - as YOU agreed to. who's unscrupulous?