
Virginia has a one handgun a month law. It obviously did not work because he waited until he had two.

A waiting or "cooling off" period obviously did not work, because we all know that he didn't "cool off".

As for banning or restricting the capacity of magazines, they tried that with the now expired "Semi-automatic assault weapon" ban under Clinton. That did not work. People just bought and stocked up on grandfathered "pre-ban" magazines.

What would it have mattered if he had one or two 15 round magazines, or seven or eight 10 round magazines?

We, as a country, have to figure out a way to keep guns out of the hands of psycho's like this guy. The story is not guns, they were the tools that he committed this tragedy with. The story is WHY he was allowed to stay enrolled at Virginia Tech, and WHY he was allowed to live in the dorms, and WHY he was even allowed out in public with the DOCUMENTED problems that he had.

You need to understand that the anti-gun crowd does not want more restrictions, they want NO firearms, period.

Kind regards,