Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
All we are suggesting is civility in our discussions with those members that disagree with us here on this board. No compromise, just civility between members in our discussions here on this board.

Agree completely... almost... one caveat... I've said it before and I'll repeat it now. Dishonesty is not civility. I can be as civil as anyone, but I draw the line with people who continually spout lies and bullshit, especially when it is for the sole purpose of advancing an agenda which has increased my taxes, weakened my country, and infringed upon my freedoms. Then the gloves are off.

Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
So when did Dave in Maine burn down my house? When did King injure my family?

Hunters and shooters need to attract voters to our sport and our hobby. If we insist that they have to be pro-life, anti-gay marriage, anti-ObamaCare, anti-welfare, pro-states' rights, anti-renewable energy and pro-fossil fuels before we deign to be friendly and civil to them the Second Amendment and our gun rights are doomed.

Dave-in-Maine did not burn down my house. But he did tell bold faced lies to us last year when he denied supporting Obama. When I reproduced quotes from earlier threads proving that he was lying, he slithered away. Good riddance to a lying so-called gun guy who did his best to sabotage our rights.

King did not injure my family... directly. But he continually espouses a system which steals tax dollars (read that as time out of my finite life, and labor which exacts a toll on ones body) from my family and me in order to redistribute wealth to millions who are neither disabled or infirm. They are merely lazy and choose to suck off the government teat. His bloviating self-aggrandizement and resume inflation are well known and on full display in this very thread. We even had King, the self professed Athiest invoking Christ's name in order to shame Jim into supporting welfare leeches back on pg.6. We also had him on pg.7 trumpeting the many infringements upon the 2nd Amendment in various locales, as proof that it is not inviolate, while ignoring the fact that it is folks like him who support and defend and elect the Liberal Democrats who tirelessly work to steal our rights.

King doesn't have to load his airplane with fuel and crash it into your house to do damage. Liberal Socialists like King have done tremendous damage to this country with pen and typewriter.

We have two Canadian regulars here... James and King. James frequently shares his experiences with Canadian Gun Control and warns us to be vigilant. James and I disagree on some things, but always courteously. King, on the other hand, spends an inordinate amount of time here trying to convince or LULL us that there is no threat to the Second Amendment, that we should concede ground to the anti gunners to appease them, that the NRA is wrong and counterproductive, and that anti-gun Liberal Socialist Democrat politicians are actually good for us and good for the country. I'm sorry. With all due respect to those who think we can have a productive dialog with someone like that, and win converts by showing him a level of respect... I think you're wrong. And I think that kind of civility, where none is deserved, gives him and his kind a level of credibility which paves the road to ruin. Neville Chaimberlain was said to be a very civil and accomodating man...

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.