LOL, Keith.

I don't expect to change King's mind, or Dave in Maine or any others who have posted on here. To post on here with an opposing view is to invite a fairly scathing critique. Those who do that are likely pretty sure of where they stand.

I'm talking about the kind of discourse we have with, for example, the Millennials, as described in the Pew poll posted by DaveK. The guys I'm trying to win over aren't the ones stabbing me in the back. It's the men and women who are wondering.

And to be honest with you, I could care less about "the left" calling me a "racist, bigot, homophobic, woman hating, cretin" in terms of how I would like to respond. Although I am wondering how I could be both homophobic and woman hating? Haha! They are wrong about who I am, I am right about who I am and ultimately the truth will out.

On a personal level, I can't be made to feel bad by insults that have no grounding in fact. I've already been through the "falsely accused" wringer. When there was a fair bit on the line, not just someone getting their panties in a knot because they felt I had slagged them on the internet. Not to say that my life didn't get turned upside down, but I'm not changing who I am.

I get a little grief on here now and again because of my open mindedness regarding gays and my lack of religious conviction. But I am bound and determined to treat people with the care and respect I would like to be treated with. Regardless of their views or their behavior towards me. (bad drivers excepted).

That's not to say I am perfect and don't make mistakes. Because I have and Keith, you know I have. You yourself brought one such incidence to my attention a couple months ago.

RM Bill has some reasonable thing to say about the importance of the environment and as people who enjoy the outdoors we should all be concerned about our ability to manage the natural environment. We (I mean people) don't have a good track record. So should I just toss his comments aside because he may have supported Obama? (I'm just guessing, Bill and using you as an example. Not trying to define your position). I may suggest or advocate a different course of action, but I find the best thoughts and plans are often arrived at through critical discussion.

I think this thread has been interesting precisely because we have had differing viewpoints discussing an important issue and reacting to new information as it came available.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia