I was with you on the part about guns in frat parties and basketball games and even allowed that there are people that just want reduced violence. But, when you start down the path of 'do we really need 12 rounds' you end up at one round eventually. Besides, I recall practicing for IPSC shooting years ago and getting so quick (2-3 secs) with a reload that 7 round mags were enough to make me comfy. I never did buy a 14-15 round gun...ever. Soon as this becomes obvious to anti's, removeable mags would be next.

If these people want to focus on a real hazard to their safety, they should put their efforts into automobile safety. Aproximately 42,000 people die each year on our highways. That's 115 a day. Those that lost loved ones are no less tramatized as a those that loose loved ones to gun violence.

The issue most of us have is not with those that ask whether or not these controls will work, but with those that demand that they be implemented because THEY say they WILL work.

It's a tough problem and obviously there has not been a solution that addresses all issues.