Well said, Tanky! Ask the guys from Duke University who they are afraid of. Look how long it took to work that out. Never got a call from the IRS, but the state of Insanity (oops, I mean NJ) has an auditor who got me for $800. He needed to look good for his promotion and my accountant said pay it because it is cheaper than fighting it. I ain't stupid (at least I hope I am not) and paid it.

Look at our governor in the hospital. He is so powerful that he had his trooper driver doing 91 MPH (that is what the little black box under the seat in just about all our new cars said) in a 65 MPH zone with lights flashing on the official government SUV and he was not wearing a seatbelt. If you did that, they would probably take you down to the station and keep you there for a while.

So many guns, so little time!