Originally Posted By: keith
There is a major difference between an accident due to DUI an and an accident involving a shooter who has been drinking.

With the DUI accident, even a repeat offender far over the limit and driving with a suspended licence will be the only target of blame.

When a gun accident involving alcohol occurs, the entire shooting fraternity and the entire Right to Keep and Bear Arms will be blamed.

We are indeed out of our collective minds about alcohol here, but the concerted demonization of guns is even more insane.

The antis will use ANY opportunity to present gun owners in a bad light. This is apparent to anyone paying attention to what was attempted by liberals after the Newtown tragedy.
I can see the headlines now. "Drunken Gun Nut Goes on a Rampage and Shoots fellow Hunter". I enjoy drinks around the campfire as much as anyone but I personally would not hunt with a group that drank while shooting.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.