Back in the 80s I used to go king mackerel fishing out in the Gulf of Mexico. My day would start at 3am loading up the boat, followed by an 80 mile drive to the Galveston boat launch with breakfast on the way. Id usually try to put in between 6-7am. Id often run 25-30 miles offshore. I didnt care if my guests drank, as long as they didnt get obnoxious. Id try to arrive back at the boat launch around 5-6pm. As for me, it was too long and draining a day to even think about drinking alcohol, much less having to metabolize it. Id drink gallons of water out in the Gulf and have one ice cold beer on the way back in. I just couldnt risk being overly tired and drunk for that 80 mile drive home.

The problem with alcohol is some people just dont have a sense of whats enough.


Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)