Several images. Obviously these have been resized but I have viewed the original digital images and they have excellent definition and resolution. Clearly TEAM is on uncharted territory as they also have found no published images of radiography on pattern welded barrels. They are of the opinion that MUCH more information can be obtained from radiography compared to MPI. The ONLY finding on MPI was an 'indicator' at the sauter.
Just like an MRI of a lumbar spine, the results require expert and experience interpretation, by human eyes and we will need LOTS more barrels (ie lots more $s ) to clearly establish what the images are showing, and possibly sectioning and photomicrographs to confirm (more $s)
One major issue is if the less dense areas within the barrel wall represent voids, slag, inclusions, etc. or it they are from the pits. The techs are going to correlate the images with visual exam using a bore scope and we should have the answer.
One myth we can slay now is 'the wall is nothing but a mass of welds, defects, inclusions'. The wall looks like solid metal; like any pipe.
So here goes gentlemen

Negative images highlighting the probably pits

Positive digital images

Likely tool marks when the chamber was extended. The linear marks are unlikely to be from low cycle fatigue, but that may require photomicrographs

Large arrow is solder at rib extension and barrel junction. Second arrow is the bulge and you can appreciate less wall thickness ie. less dense. Lower arrow is porosity in rib solder

Probably pits rather than voids, slag, impurities in the wall