Hello, I am a new member to this forum, but have read a great many posts here over the years. I saw this thread, and registered so that I could post a comment. I wanted to let those of you who checker with an MMC or J&R power tool know about a reliable source for new cutter blades, Universal Grinding Co., 14209 W 62nd St., Eden Prairie, MN 55346-1707, 952-975-0331.

I saw a mention of this company in a forum somewhere last fall, maybe even here, gave them a call, and talked to a gentleman named Al. Al said they had blades made up that cut 90 degree grooves in both .060" and .050" thicknesses. I ordered one of each and he shipped them to me the next day. When they got here two days later, I was ecstatic, they were so sharp that I almost cut myself putting one on the tool to try it out. The quality was outstanding.

Al said they could make the blades in either the 9/16" diameter to fit the MMC tools, or in 1/2" diameter to fit the J&R tools. The blades threaded right onto either tool's shaft perfectly, I have both.

Maybe Mr. Hosford won't have to bother making the blades and can concentrate on just the tool and forget holding them on with a nut.