Thank you all for your replies.
I began thinking about this while doing some reading on another shotgun forum discussing the most common complaint with HUGLU shotguns- broken firing pins. From other reading I had learned the the problem is more common in their O/Us than the SXSs. The reason given is that the O/Us have floating pins while the SXS's pins are attached to the strikers. The reasoning that pins attached to the hammers(stronger) may be valid, but I'm thinking pins that are hard and bottom out when struck are going to break anyway? The use of snap caps may soften the blow to the impacting section of either type of pin? I thought perhaps an additional reason these guns are notorious for firng pin breaks is that many are first doubleguns and get alot of dry firing? Very close behind learning where to keep a gun pointed was not to dry fire and it is worth noting that guns of good reputation seem to hold up well to occasional dry fire, but the possibilty occured that perhaps the lack of the use of snap caps had something to do with the problem? Does anyone regularly dry fire their gun? I'd think if the pins don't break they probably get longer over time! Now I'm going to have to study the second most common complaint ie doubling!

Thanks again for the replies!
