Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
Originally Posted By: SDH-MT
You miss spelled my name, twice...
Yes- common mistake if it were being spoken-- but as you misspelled
"miss spelled" let's call it even and start over. Your title mentions writer- gun related. The only gun related magazines I read are "The American Rifleman" (I'm a NRA life member) and Sports Afield- I am an avid rifleman, and enjoy both John Barness and USMC Colonel (Ret'd.) Craig Boddington articles. What publications in the sporting genre feature your articles, please?

Incredibly observant, like a fox with his head up his !ss, you failed to notice I've had a column titled "Custom Shop" in each issue of Sports Afield for the past 7 years… (miss spelled Barsness' name as well)
I believe the official name nick is "Fox With the Runs".