Originally Posted By: buzz
Originally Posted By: Small Bore
British and European hardware stores and provincial gun shops were also supplied with low grade guns in set dimensions and with minimal finish or engraving, to be used by farmers as tools. A variety of grades fulfilled this need - old gun factory catalogues illustrate them well and price them too.
Small bore: I own a 12b Charles Hellis, 'The Reliable'. This gun is a boxlock with only border engraving. Is this piece an example of a farmer grade or hardware store gun that England would have produced? How can one tell a farmer or hardware grade from a gamekeeper's grade, if indeed there is such distinction? This particular Hellis gun is very well made and the internals are robust and finished to a high level. If this gun is a farmer grade, in my opinion it far surpasses the hardware/farmer grade produced in America, such as a Stevens SxS. (addendum: I just looked at this gun and it actually has NO engraving....I was mistaken when I said it was border engraved).

I agree totally with Buzz, even the 'Ironmonger" level guns built overseas are excellent examples and in my opinion far outclass the American equivalent for, what is described in this thread as, a dedicated UPLAND GAME gun. The French, German, Belgium and especially the English gun and their fit and finish and polish are far and away better than any American built gun. But, for the one gun for everything with fur and feathers in which the American gun was built for, I'll take the American built gun.