Originally Posted By: Brian
Interesting that the argument of "They were born that way" is an accepted explanation for their deviant behavior and is an accepted reason and promulgated by the left/ homosexuals/ liberals but if you say that about certain ethnic groups and their proclivity for criminogenic behavior you get slammed as prejudiced/bigoted etc! By saying that certain groups are born with criminogenic tendencies will get you crucified.

Is the proclivity for criminal behavior in certain ethnic groups innate or is it learned behavior? I would suggest it is most likely a learned behavior, children consciously and sub consciously emulating the behavior they see modeled.

That is why so many of us here believe in the value of a two parent family, modeling good behavior and imparting to our children a moral and ethical code to see them through life.

If it was innate, why would we bother. Because, of course, if criminogenic behavior is innate, so must be productive, non criminal behavior.

And BTW, how would that criminogenic behavior catch up to our changing legal codes over the centuries. For as a society evolves, what was once fine....say settling an argument with a duel or "having" the bride on her marriage night if you were her feudal lord, is no longer acceptable and is now illegal.

Last edited by canvasback; 12/30/13 06:03 PM. Reason: spelling

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia