Originally Posted By: canvasback
....adultery and fornication.......decays society I mean. I would suggest way more than homosexuality. In NA we have an epidemic of cheaters, divorce, lack of commitment and all the lying and familial dislocation that goes with that behaviour. Yet that's pretty well accepted as the norm....

....I could care less what they are doing in their bedrooms. And BTW, there are a lot of heterosexuals who are at least as annoying and at least as destructive to our social mores....

Here I think is the nutshell version. Both decay society, but are championed by progressives. As mentioned, one's a new normal, the other one is under full court press to elevate a small part of the tail to wag the whole dog. Who gets to dictate the definition of tolerance.

I think many folks are ok with the libertarian 'don't ask don't tell/live and let live' concept. But, the progressive mindset has an agenda. One would think a homosexual with a mind could rationalize with their maker, if they recognize one. Why curtail the liberties of others with differing opinions, when those liberties were endowed by a creator.

On a side note. Any animal in a position of authority that abuses kids is morally wrong and a crime. There is no necessary 'religious' adjective.