Originally Posted By: canvasback

Doug, so does adultery and fornication.......decays society I mean. I would suggest way more than homosexuality. In NA we have an epidemic of cheaters, divorce, lack of commitment and all the lying and familial dislocation that goes with that behaviour. Yet that's pretty well accepted as the norm. Oh well we say as we shrug our shoulders when we hear about one more person who screwed their family by their behaviour.

Where is the outrage about that? Where is the talk of unnatural, against the word of God, abominal behaviours, the slippery slope? I suspect the children of adulterers and liars are far more likely to be adulterers and liars (learned behaviour) than the adopted children of gay couples growing up to be homosexual themselves.


There is outrage in any circle of believers, including right here on MisFires.

From crooked governments to lier's, cheats, fornicators, adulterers, child molesters, murderer's etc., the list is endless......our laws in NA are basically taken directly from the Bible, no great revelation.....

As we drift further and further away from God and his commandments man becomes a wanderer, just like Rome in it's plethora of wicked ways, endless.....and you know the result. People today are drifting, not believing and choosing the wrong road, being intelligent, you know the end result.

As man slides down the slippery slope to his own demise God watches. Man always says he wants proof, Man says he has no faith but wants tangible visions and ironclad revelations, therefore he chooses many actions that are against God and mankind will pay dearly when the time comes.....

All those that don't believe will be the first to cry and whine when the end comes.
