Originally Posted By: Brian
Funny how the "alternate Lifestyle" community is in an uprorar of the factual yet benign description of what homosexual men like and do.
I have had numerous discussions with people "allegedly far more tolerant than I" about the homosexual lifestyle which I don't agree with. They always insist that it is just "their preference" or a "lifestyle choice" and nothing else. I then ask the in very descriptive terms if what gay men do is just a different lifestyle they get very offended and tell me that my description is disgusting.;but it is nothing more than graphically describing what they do. Typical liberal minded people. they want so badly to accept everyone yet when the ones who they feel should be accepted are described in real terms, they don't want to hear it.
They preach tolerance about this. but to them tolerance means acceptance which it is not.
or they label us that don't approve as homophobes. that is a misleading moniker meaning that we have a fear of homosexuals. I do not far them, I don't approve of them. But what they do as consenting adults behind closed doors, have at it.
they allow homosexuals in the military now. since that happened, there is at least one fighting to allow transgender in the military. where will it stop?

But I cant have my beliefs without being branded an intolerant icacist gay basher.

Because, the left/progressive's must stop free thinking and free speech by free men to rule them.

Hillary For Prison 2018