Thank you. I too am coming around to the Mueller being an Englishman's bastardisation of the German Muller. The umlaut can be, and often is, ronounced as 'ewww'.

So even if we take the name as to be Muller, we are not that much further forward. Igorock, I thank you for your insight into a Belgium Muller. However, I can assure you that the quality of this rifle would far exceed a Belgium 'knock-off', if you follow my meaning.

In fact, I am now wondering if the 'Mueller/Muller' name might have referred to either Richard Bornmueller of Suhl, or to H Burgsmuller of Kreiensen. Bornmueller was a celebrated rifle maker, whose firm went on to distribute and perhaps export their own and others guns, whilst Burgsmuller was one of the first mail order gun dealers who is known to have sent rifles abroad for export.

Maybe, just maybe, we are inching forward on this!
