Originally Posted By: eightbore
OK, you've shamed me into posting since you think the reader versus poster ratio is not to your liking. Here goes. Show me a Democrat who can make Exxon pay taxes, even if they have all three branches of government for two administrations. Those who profess to believe in the second amendment or the Constitution in general and think Obama is OK, are absolutely crazy. If Obama had an older son, older than "you know whom", he would look like Aaron Alexis. No, I haven't read this entire thread, and I don't have to. A liberal is a liberal and has no interest in the welfare of his country, no, not any country. Redistribution of wealth is stealing, not matter the excuse used to do it.

+1 eightbore, except for one little thing. ExxonMobil does indeed pay taxes. I know this from my shareholder reports. I first bought Exxon in 1981, and they have been a solid performer that has been good to me. For many years, they were the largest company on earth. They employ tens of thousands who work and pay the taxes that Democrats like to redistribute. Their billions in revenue was spread pretty thin and their profit margin averages perhaps 5% on gross revenues. Procter and Gamble had twice that last year selling soap and nobody accuses them of price gouging. Many companies do far better.

The rest of your post is spot on.

Geo Newbern, sorry you got worn out from reading my post last night. I'll try to make them shorter, but it ain't easy when you've been accused of everything but the Holocaust. I do like many lawyers and have many as close friends. I very often agree with you and I can't recall you ever once lying to us. Most of the lawyers I know are forthright and intelligent... and conservatives. Most think Obama is ruining this country. Some are my friends because I would not want them to be my enemies. I like arguing with lawyers because it's challenging to go toe to toe with a professional arguer. Is arguer a word? It is now.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.