I don't claim to be a victim. That's someone else in this thread. The point of this thread is to highlight bad behavior.
One man has been gang-tackled, piled on, then character mugged by one man who has ridiculed his life, career and used names both in and out of McSmearmaster's Lexicon of Insults and Perjoratives against him. This is his stock-in-trade with people with whom he has differences of opinions. As to NCA, his vd-daughter remarks where reprehensible, but then so were the remarks alleged against him by "guess who" about sexual orientation and HIV and Syphillis infected brain before the vd-daughter remarks were made. It is a fine game two can't play. I only ask that such despicable games not be played in this forum.

I still find it fundamentally unfair for an anonymous poster to mine the internet and then take pot shots at a man's career and character. This has been done by one man and we know who he is.

I don't care to engage in dialogue with this man or jump into his cesspool of character assassination. I want to avoid the smell of such confrontation because it goes against what I am trying to put an end to here.

And thank, you Jim for the excellent quote:
"Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."

John Stuart Mill Speech 1867

I got tired of looking on at the character assassination of King Brown and said something about it.

Gil Stacy, Savannah, Ga.

One "l" in Gil, no "e" in Stacy.