Doug, you use a great word....attempt. That they may do, attempt. And they fail miserably every time.

They attempt and fail because they are wrong, because they have no supporting fact or logic, because they twist meaning, because they prey on or fall for emotion.

But why would we care about that HERE. The hundreds of others who read it HERE don't buy it, don't fall for it.

I get it if it's an op/ed piece in the NY Times, 60 Minutes or on NPR. Its a different audience with those types of forums. But here?

Please, an open question to all readers of this posting here or PM me if you wish your name kept out of the limelight, someone please tell me if any post or thread here in Misfires has caused you to change your outlook on gun regulations.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia