Hi all, yesterday was our opener for Sharpies and huns. Didn't get out, it rained all day. But today was a nice day, sun, light wind and in the 60's. My friend Rick came out and hunted with my sons and I. Rick and Jim didn't do well, got skunked. Will and I did good. Will get 2 grouse and a double on huns (but lost one of the huns). I managed a limit, got a double, and then a single.

Here's the crew (Jim, Will & Rick)

My birds, taken with my 16b John Wilkes:

Will with his birds, taken with a 20ga Browning BSS:

Duchess, the one who made it all possible:

One tired 12 year old dog:

All in all a good day! We'll see what tomorrow brings.



Gregory J. Westberg