Originally Posted By: canvasback

I don't. None of them have evidence that I accept as being true. Myths. Made up by man for man's purposes.

Because belief in man made global warming or the belief in the goodness and wisdom of Obama or the belief in the evil nature of inanimate objects like guns strike me as beliefs of a religious nature. Not founded on anything real. Easily dismissed by what I see as fact. People believe in these ideas because it makes them feel better.

But that's just me and I respect the right of others to disagree.


For those that believe in God, Judeo/Christian faiths, your analogy between Religion, Guns, Obama, Libtard values, etc. make absolutely no sense.

To Judeo/Christians, religion IS NOT an inanimate object as are your examples posted above, so there is no correlation whatsoever......none, zero, nada......

Intelligent discussion with libtards is near impossible as the falsehoods put forth are twisted and out of context with reality. Only King and Gnomon touch occasionally on something that can be discussed at an intelligent level, albeit liberal pacification is their theme......

Nca, DaveInMaine, RockyMountainFerguson, homer, Jay Gardner, F2F, OWD, cpa and the rest of the libtards have yet to touch on anything of substance and their participation is useless IMO.

They post to disrupt and put forth anti-gun rhetoric as proven by their support of our current administration, the most anti-gun, anti freedom, pro-socialist administration EVER, in the history of this country............

I believe Craig means that since you mentioned religion as a questionable truth in your mind, why not the other topics of conjecture such as misogyny, pedophilia and so forth...?....I could very well be wrong, but I think that is his meaning..?..

As Jim stated above, and as Keith continually exposes, most of us feel that calling out the libtards on their anti gun socialist and destructive b.s., exposes them to whoever reads this forum.

We really do not want the U.S. to end up like England or Canada..., lulled by socialists into your loss of handguns and so forth. I think those of us that are vocal about the anti's and their devious, falsehood postings will continue to expose the untruths that they post.

An extreme amount of pride was evident from PROUD PRO-GUN Americans who watched as Colorado threw out the politically elected Libtard fools who initiated the anti-gun legislation in that state.......a real day of GLORY for sure.

