"Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."

John Stuart Mill Speech 1867

I firmly believe the intent of individuals like NCA225 etc. was to make this area(Misfires) as reprehensible and obnoxious as possible. Their goal was to have the "Misfires" area closed down to any "political" discussion particularly regarding firearms ownership and firearms owners rights. This is a ploy that has unfortunately been used on other forums with success and the closet anti's arguing that there's political forums set up elsewhere just for that purpose. This is little different than the "mainstream news media's" only reporting negatives insofar as firearms ownership goes. We know the majority of the general public never hears the real truth just the medias attempt to paint firearms and firearms owners in as bad a light as possible.
I'm paraphrasing here: But the male Libtard jerk who was just recalled in Colorado actually stated that firearms ownership is "some form of mental illness".
As an aside: For those that have pleaded for discussion and compromise with our adversaries just how far do you think we would get with a libtard like this one from Colorado?
Dave Weber never fell for this closet anti-gunner ploy as he's a fellow firearms owner and a resident of New York State which has experienced the suppression of rights for honest firearms owners to a degree rarely seen before.
Like Keith; I have a very low level of tolerance for bullshit when I hear it or read it.
I have called posters on it and will continue to do so. If anyone want's to avoid this all they have to do is keep their posts factual and opinions sensible. However if "sensible to you means you are of the Diane Feinstein-Chuck Schumer school in regard to firearms ownership I'd highly recommend you find some other place to post. I for one am NOT interested in your socialist "opinion" as I can hear it stated over and over just by turning on CBS,NBC etc.
As far as name calling and vile accusations go I was subject to these from the likes of NCA225 to an great extent. I believe this was done in an attempt to get me to "go ballistic" and Dave to shut down this area of the forum.
Apparently the majority of these closet anti-gun people have left after they discovered they wouldn't be getting their way here.

Last edited by italiansxs; 09/15/13 02:07 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.