Originally Posted By: PA24

Originally Posted By: GLS
And Dave closed the thread Militia because of the misconduct....

Gil, this is exactly the way it is supposed to work, in my opinion, and makes this board far different from others.

This board, like most cross sections of society, has it's fair share of "snivelers and whiners".....

Snivelers and whiners, although not directly involved in a particular thread, whine and email Dave to complain about something that is distasteful to them and go to "great lengths" to have posts removed. Dave did not stumble on the Militia thread by accident but with purpose.

The Snivelers and Whiners (keyboard commando's) are the type of individuals that will not confront an adversary, post to post or face to face or even email to email......but hide behind the bushes and ambush whatever and wherever they can.

My hat is off to you Gil for posting out in the open your objections rather than from behind the bushes.

The same goes for King, a tip of the hat, who has stood tall and countered all that is thrown at him, knowing he is in the minority here. King has a very strong character.

King and Keith, should they ever meet, would most likely sit down and have a beer or coffee and discuss everything and anything in an adult fashion, however heated, but honorable for sure. Neither of these individuals has a black heart.


Thank you for your considered words. They are appreciated. Most of here have raised children and we know what it is like to go home after a hard days work and find the kids squabbling and calling each other names. I dont know how other parents feel, but at some point I didnt give a damn who said what to whom or who started what. Internet squabbling is in the same league. Often it makes no difference who said what to who first, the squabbling and name calling are what become disagreeable and intolerable.
With King, we had a lot of squabbling and beyond insulting behavior, but it was only coming from one side. It has been ongoing for months. It needed to stop and hopefully it will. I pointed it out and now have become the lightening rod for the same behavior. If asking for civility here is beating a dead horse, hand me a bat and stand aside while I swing from my toes. I will do it as I see fit.
There are two extremes of forum moderation: none and tight-fisted. Misfires is closer to none. Most moderation here is self-imposed. Some can do it and do it well. King chose to moderate his conduct and not participate in the slimefest. It didnt mean he was cowardly or acquiescing to the conduct or truth of the allegations. Others should learn by his example. He kept his head high and acted with dignity. He didn't become a whining victim. There is rarely little cause to be rude. Its what my parents taught. When it comes to the point where one has to make personal insults or call someone else a liar as easily and readily as most people say good morning, then it becomes another matter. This conduct should be addressed and called into question. One doesnt have to look beyond this thread to understand my point. Some will understand what I mean; others may not which is okay. This was no isolated incident nor has King been the only one to suffer the slings and arrows of character assassination by others on this board. Often it has been over political differences, sometimes it has not been. It has been pointed out that the other participant didnt post photos of Nca. That is correct. It was done by other parties and I retract the statement.
A participant to this thread brought up attending a Yom Kippur dinner last night. Not being Jewish, I looked up what Yom Kippur stood for. It is the holiest day of the year for Jews. It is a day of atonement and repentance. The irony is not lost on me.