Two of the worst of the Democrats are now out of office!

Colorado’s state senate president and another legislator have conceded in an unprecedented recall election triggered by their push for stricter gun control measures. The outcome is likely to be viewed as a referendum on the hot-button issue that has divided the country this year.

The senate leader, John Morse of Colorado Springs, and state Sen. Angela Giron of the Democratic-leaning city of Pueblo were targeted by a highly contentious recall effort that drew big-name donors on both sides of the debate. The legislative recall effort is the first in state history.
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Obama delivers remarks on gun control in Colorado
I didn't listen to the incumbent socialist so I have no idea what he said

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With about 80 percent of voted counted, the Denver Post and other local media outlets reported that Morse had conceded Tuesday night. The final counts showed Morse was voted out 50.9-49 percent. Giron was ousted 56 percent to 44 percent.

“We as the Democratic Party will continue to fight,” Morse pledged.

National figures and groups weighing in on the race ranged from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a vocal champion of tighter gun restrictions, to the National Rifle Association on the other side of the spectrum. The Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee both had some staffers on the ground assisting the campaigns, and Bloomberg’s anti-gun violence group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, had about 30 people on the ground.

Morse — whose county strongly backed Mitt Romney in 2012 — and Giron were key advocates of gun control measures in the state Senate, which included stipulations such as universal background checks and limits on the amount of ammunition a gun can carry. That debate unfolded in the aftermath of last year’s shooting massacres in Newtown, Conn., and Aurora, Colo., and came as gun control advocates made a push in Congress, which ultimately failed.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.