Originally Posted By: King Brown
The voters gave him the reins of power---twice. And with a second-time margin that didn't keep us up all night.

Of course that is true King, but it hardly refutes my point. Nor does it address what originally prompted me to post.... the idea that a poll of Canadians on who they like better, Obama or Harper, is somehow salient to any discussion taking place here. It's a throwaway, designed to bolster your point with anyone not paying attention.

So five years on, where is the hope and change?

I thought electing Harper would ensure some measure of fiscal responsibility combined with a concerted effort to reduce both the actual size of government as well as the areas of life it felt compelled to involve itself in. I can admit I was clearly wrong about that.

Why are you still pretending that Obama offers any sense of hope or change any more? He is not the man his supporters thought they were electing five years ago. He has accomplished none of what he promised first go around. In fact, many would say race relations and the relations between left and right have been substantially worsened by his administration. He is hardly the saviour, bringing Americans together, so many hopeful people envisioned five years ago.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia