Originally Posted By: boneheaddoctor
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Originally Posted By: ed good
well, the trial is over and the verdict is in. is now the appropriate time to make comment?

Someones child was walking to place he was staying with baggie of groceries. He was racially profiled, confronted and executed by physically un-challened 28 year old male. I feel awful and do not wish to comment on this matter any further.
Where exactly did THAT happen? I'm curious.

Because its not the situation we were talking about.

Treyvon wasn't a "Child" carrying a bag of groceries....he was 17 year old 6 foot 1 inch tall football payer in his physical prime and in good shape...who was thrown out of school over drugs and weapons not to mention fights....he confronted and assulted Zimmerman unprovoked...and he got rightfully shot and died as a result.

Treyvon wasn't an innocent child for a lot of years. He was stupid...not mentally challenged...(big difference there) Zimmerman was older..smaller and NOT an athlete....

Typical case of a black thug preying on someone smaller than he was.

And yes Zimmerman was found not guilty...because here in the USA...we still have the right to defend ourselves against the criminal element.

And I would not want to live in a place where only the criminals had any rights. If I did I would keep plenty of Lime, and shovels handy to bury the body.

I'm sorry I thought we were discussing case of GA vs. Alistair Williams. Mr. Zimmerman acted in self-defense as he has always stated was found NOT guilty and can get his gun back upon asking. Thank you for pointing out my grave error.