Originally Posted By: boneheaddoctor
Going to have to agree to disagree on that point. I'm assuming you was diecting that my way.

He was on neighborhood watch...he was legally armed...if a neighborhood watch group runs home the instant something might be up...then what good is it. And we all know how long it takes the poilice to show up after a crime is commited...and the likelyhood they will show up before one actually does. Particularly in a high crime area.

Again he had the right to follow Trayvon Martin. If he hadn't been a member of the neighborhood watch he had that right. Will you accept that I believe he had the right to follow Trayvon Martin? Will you accept that I believe that he had a right to carry his concealed weapon? Will you accept that I believe he shot Martin after Martin started assaulting him?

But the outcome of Zimmerman's decision has been financial ruin for him. He has spent significant time in jail. Until he was found innocent he lived under the cloud of a possible substantial state prison term. He is currently under the cloud of a possible Federal criminal indictment. He will have a target on his back for a long time. Martin's family has said they are going to sue him. Other possible outcomes of his decision; If Martin had been armed then Zimmerman could have been killed, The cops could have accidentally shot Zimmerman, Martin could have taken Zimmerman's gun in the assault and shot Zimmerman-Zimmerman was by himself and he said Martin was able to sneak up on him and jump him, Zimmerman could have been convicted of 2nd degree murder. If OJ was found innocent in that double murder then Zimmerman could have been found guilty in this shooting.

The purpose of neigborhood watch is to alert the police and the hope is that the presence of active involved watchers will deter criminals. It is not arrest, detainment, or street fighting with a suspicious person by the neighborhood watchmen.

The only way that Zimmerman's decision to follow Martin on-foot could be considered good judgement would be if his goal was to shoot a black teenager he found suspicious and then avoid conviction on state murder charges and the subsequent imprisonment.

I don't believe that was his intent. I think he was trying to contribute to the quality of life in his community. I think he just made a bad decision.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 07/15/13 01:57 PM.

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