Racial profiling is a concept that applies only to law enforcement. You cannot arrest someone because of their skin color, the way they are dressed, etc.. A private citizen cannot be charged with racial profiling. (I wish the media would do their homework) A private citizen can follow and observe another human being; there is no law against this. The only thing Zimmerman could possibly have been charged with was a misdemeanor for discharging a firearm in city limits. This was a case that should never have come to court and wouldn't have but for Obama's un-presidential and inflammatory comment which the lapdog adoring media grabbed and run with along with race baiters (who make money off their comments) Sharpton and Jackson. The media, in their eagerness to stir the cauldron of divisiveness and portray a racist incident, originally identified Zimmerman as white and then invented a new ethnicity by changing it to a "white Hispanic". NBC altered the ER photos of Zimmerman's injuries to fit their original claims that there was no incidence of self-defense. I assure you, if the situation was reversed and Martin had shot Zimmerman, we would not have heard a word from the media, and due to his age, Martin would have received probation and been back on the street in a month. Where was the media when 3 black crackheads murdered a teenage waitress for her tip money? What coverage have they given to the weekly murders in Obama's hometown of Chicago? The media chooses to feature only the stories that fit their agenda which, by definition, is propaganda. What they did not report is the lawsuit the Martin family made against the homeowners association for which Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch captain....settled out of court for 1 million. Ed....anytime I leave my house I am armed; I don't want to return from the grocery store and surprise a burglar in my home and the only thing I have in my hands is the milk and bread.

Let us look at the facts and forget the "what ifs" (I'm amazed how many people on facebook have suddenly received their law degrees since the verdict came in.) "If a frog had wings, he wouldn't bust his ass everytime he jumps." There was no law broken that could result in an indictment...bad judgement and wrong decisions perhaps (I wasn't there, so I don't know) but bad judgements and wrong decisions aren't against the law or most of us here on the forum would still be in jail.

Last edited by GaryW; 07/14/13 08:10 PM.