I didn't get many pics on my whirlwind tour of Hausmann's today, but I did get a few. My son shot much better than I did today, and even beat me on one shooting station, and also on one round of 5 stand. I told him that now that he can outshoot me he needs to start buying his own ammo. I run so hot and cold it is ridiculous. We had a great time as usual, and I was amazed at how many people were in attendance whom I saw last month in Michigan at Lapeer. It really is a small community of enthusiasts isn't it?

Contemplating lead for the next station no doubt;

"At the ready;"

"On target," CJ broke 4 of 6 at this station, the last one over the water.

Our obligatory posed shot in our shooting vests. You will notice the nice new Hausmann's hat on the boy, young Mr. Hausmann gave it to CJ when he saw us in line to register.


Last edited by Hoof; 06/02/13 12:19 AM.